There are 5 trains daily between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Singapore is so small, there is no rail service within the city/state.
Singapore and Malaysia are connected by a causeway , and buses and coaches run to Johor Bahru and beyond on a regular basis. There is inexpensive and dependable local bus service offered by two major companies.
An International Driving Permit is required for car rental.
Singapore has one of the most advanced metro services in the world, with 42 stations. Service is roughly 6 minutes apart per station. No car or taxi may enter the Central Business District with less than 4 persons.
Travel in Malaysia
The trains to Bangkok run from Kuala Lumpur three times a day. Smaller Thai locations are served weekly. Malayan Railways runs some 100 miles of rail line from Singapore to the Thailand border by two routes. There are sleeping berths and some air conditioning is available. East Malaysia has one railway line which runs along the coast from Kota Kinabalu to Tenom. 10 and 30 day tickets for unlimited travel are available except for on the Rakyat Express or the Mersa Express.
Good roads link peninsular Malaysia with Singapore and Thailand. On the other hand, road connections between the two eastern states of Sarawak and Sabah and their neighbors in Borneo and Brunei are very poor or closed.
Driving can be difficult during monsoons, even though the roads are good on peninsular Malaysia. Keep in mind that traffic drives on the left.
Bus networks are quite extensive and very cheap. Trishaws are also inexpensive for short hauls. A national driving license for car rentals is adequate, but must be endorsed by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles in Malaysia.